Advanced Energy United News

Congress Should Pursue Comprehensive, Bipartisan Permitting Reform

Written by Adam Winer | Jul 22, 2024
New proposal from Barrasso and Manchin a good foundation on which to build

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Senators Barrasso and Manchin released the framework for a package of reforms aimed at changing how we permit and site electric transmission, energy generation, and mining projects for the critical minerals needed to power many advanced energy technologies. National business association Advanced Energy United is calling on Congress to build on the framework provided to pass comprehensive permitting reform that supports America’s transition to an economy built on advanced energy.
“It has long been too difficult to build some of the critical energy infrastructure America needs, and this bipartisan proposal provides a good foundation on which to build a comprehensive package of legislative reforms,” said Harry Godfrey, Managing Director at Advanced Energy United. “Both parties agree that unreasonable timetables and fragmented planning processes are making it too difficult to invest and build, providing Congress a unique opportunity to pass legislation that unlocks America’s innovative industries and improves grid reliability and energy costs for households and businesses.”

Advanced Energy United, which represents businesses from across multiple industry sectors all involved in providing the solutions needed to reach a 100% clean energy future, is advocating that lawmakers carefully consider including the core tenets of the following bills in a comprehensive reform package: 

Transmission and Energy Generation


“By making it easier to build the long-range electric transmission lines needed to move energy from where its generated to where it's needed, and by responsibly producing and recycling critical minerals in America, we can create a more reliable, affordable, and secure energy future for the U.S.,” added Godfrey. “These measures would build on the improvements that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) made recently to improve long-term regional transmission planning and position states as a central part of the decision-making process. Collectively, these reforms put us in position to meet growing energy needs, enhance grid reliability while lowering costs, and sustainably, securely manufacture our 100% clean energy right here in America.”