Advanced Energy United News

Indiana Public Media coverage of DOE Study includes AEE's Ganesan and Tolbert

Written by Nick Janzen | Indiana Public Media | Aug 28, 2017

Late on August 23, the U.S. Department of Energy released its long-anticipated Staff Report to the Secretary on Electricity Markets and Reliability. Coverage in Indiana Public Media included perspective from both Arvin Ganesan and J.R. Tolbert two AEE vice presidents for federal and state policy. From the piece: 

But Arvin Ganesan, vice president of federal policy for Advanced Energy Economy, says that’s not the case.

“Technology is already being deployed that is not only more affordable for consumers but actually improves the overall reliability of the grid,” Ganesan says, citing Indianapolis Power and Light’s battery storage facility as one local example.

J.R. Tolbert, AEE’s vice president of state policy, points out Ohio, Michigan, and Illinois all took steps to strengthen their renewable sectors this year. Indiana, meanwhile, restructured the state’s net metering policy, reducing support for rooftop solar.

“So the question really becomes, does Indiana want to embrace a cleaner, more modern grid?” Tolbert says.

Read and listen to the full piece here. Read AEE's statement here.