Advanced Energy United News

Houston Chronicle: Could Texas be an Electric Vehicle Hub?

Written by James Osborne | Dec 15, 2020

The Houston Chronicle covered EV supply chain opportunities for companies and workers in Texas, referencing TAEBA's new report and quoting Suzanne Bertin. The story was republished by Beaumont, Laredo, Midland, San Antonio outlets. Read excerpts below and the full story here (sub. req.)

The push to clean up the world's energy sector to fight climate change has always presented an existential threat to oil and gas producing regions like Texas. But there is a new train of thought that the losses suffered by the state's oil producers might be to some degree mitigated should Texas manage to attract the burgeoning electric vehicle manufacturing industry.

Already Tesla is constructing a gigafactory outside Austin, to produce not only electric cars but pickup trucks and batteries. The tech company is planning on employing 5,000 workers once the factory is up an running next year. And there could be plenty more jobs coming, according to a new report from the trade group Texas Advanced Energy Business Alliance.

The alliance claims there are already more than 7,000 Texans employed in the electric vehicle sector, with that number projected to climb to 13,000 by 2024. Driving that growth is an estimated 30,000 Texans working in industries with skill sets needed for the electric vehicle industry. 

“Texas has a significant opportunity to capitalize on a growing electric transportation sector to drive economic recovery, securing thousands of well-paying jobs for Texans,” said Suzanne Bertin, managing director at TAEBA.

Read the full story here (sub. req.) and Midland Reporter-Telegram here.