Advanced Energy United News

E&E News quotes Malcolm Woolf on upcoming CPP court cases

Written by Emily Holden | E&E News | Sep 26, 2016

E&E News closes out a story on upcoming court dates for the CPP with an extensive quote from AEE's own Malcolm Woolf. From the article: 

Malcolm Woolf, senior vice president for policy and government affairs for green business group Advanced Energy Economy, said he's already heard of investments stalling while companies wait to see what happens with the rule. The Supreme Court in February halted implementation of the Clean Power Plan while the judicial system sorts out whether it's legal, putting the power system further into limbo.


The D.C. Circuit likely won't make a decision until early next year, and after one side petitions for the Supreme Court to hear the case, the Supreme Court could take until next fall to decide whether to take it up. (Click here to see a full timeline.)

"If and when the Supreme Court hears the case and upholds EPA's authority, I think then you've got a clear market signal," Woolf said. "Until that happens, you've got a cloud over how is the country going to deal with carbon. For an investor, uncertainty hinders investment."

Walking down the streets today, the electric system doesn't look very different from recent history, Woolf said, but in the last five years, it has begun to change. In the next 20 years, it will transform dramatically, he said. People will control building temperatures with their smartphones. Everything will be more interactive and dynamic.

Woolf contends that the Clean Power Plan, in setting individual goals for each state, equalizes that progress around the country.

"There are some that are embracing this change faster than others. The Clean Power Plan creates a minimum," Woolf said. "What we don't want is to have parts of America left behind."

Read the full article here (subscription required).