Advanced Energy United Webinars

Navigating State Dynamics of FERC's Transmission Order (Part 2)

Written by Webinar | Jun 21, 2024 12:46:16 PM

Recorded on June 20, 2024

On May 13, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) released a long-awaited ruling aimed at improving transmission planning processes. As the Order takes effect, states will see a transition from local, short-term projects to more comprehensive, regionally coordinated transmission investments, potentially optimizing grid reliability and facilitating clean energy integration.

Understanding the Order's implications is crucial for states to make informed decisions about transmission planning and investment strategies, ensuring alignment with broader energy policy goals. A follow-up to our May 24 webinar that explored the ins and outs of the ruling, this webinar explored the implications of the FERC Order on states, addressing key impacts, potential pushback, and Advanced Energy United's role in facilitating adaptation. 


  • Maury Galbraith, Colorado Electric Transmission Authority
    Executive Director

  • Dan Scripps, Michigan Public Service Commission
  • Suzanne Glatz, Glatz Energy Consulting LLC
    Principal Consultant


  • Verna Mandez, Advanced Energy United