Accelerating Interconnection Reforms for a Stronger, More Affordable Grid

Posted by Webinar on Sep 5, 2024 1:50:34 PM

Recorded on September 4, 2024

Proposals for new energy projects across the country are stuck waiting for a long and cumbersome process known as “generator interconnection” to play out so they can connect to the power grid and start delivering electricity to homes and businesses. Unfortunately, despite recent reform efforts, the current interconnection process remains unnecessarily slow and expensive, ultimately jeopardizing reliability and costing consumers more money.
Ahead of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)’s upcoming two-day workshop exploring further interconnection reforms, Advanced Energy United’s webinar discussed specific steps FERC commissioners and staff, grid operators, and utilities can take to get America closer to an ideal interconnection process, which would still hold project developers accountable for grid readiness but provide certainty in exchange for the upfront cost and risk of entering the queue.

Our expert panelists underlined findings from Unlocking America’s Energy: How to Efficiently Connect New Generation to the GridThis report, authored by Grid Strategies LLC and The Brattle Group and jointly commissioned by Advanced Energy United and the Solar and Storage Industries Institute, proposes ambitious and comprehensive reforms to deliver a more reliable and affordable electricity system that would make it easier to connect the lowest-cost energy resources to the power grid.


  • Rob Gramlich, Grid Strategies LLC

  • Hannah Muller, Clearway Energy Group
    Senior Director, External & Market Affairs

  • Beth Garza, R Street Institute
    Senior Fellow

  • Kyle Davis, Clean Energy Buyers Association
    Senior Director of Federal Affairs


  • Caitlin Marquis, Advanced Energy United
    Managing Director

Topics: Wholesale Markets, Webinar, FERC