Advanced Energy United Webinars

A FERC challenge: Opening up electricity markets to advanced energy technologies

Written by Webinar | Sep 28, 2016 6:04:00 PM

Recorded on September 28, 2016

In 2015, the U.S. advanced energy industry grew to $200 billion, up 29% since 2011. This is a result of ever-improving economics and performance. As we define it, advanced energy includes renewables, demand response, energy storage, building efficiency, advanced controls and metering, and a variety of grid technologies.

Unfortunately, there are policy barriers that stand in the way of advanced energy becoming the nation’s dominant source of electric power.

This webinar takes a look at the rules of wholesale electricity markets that prevent advanced energy technologies from competing on cost and performance.


  • Arvin Ganesan, VP, Federal Policy, AEE

  • Suedeen Kelly, Chair of the Energy Regulation, Markets, and Enforcement Practice at Akin, Gump, and a Former Commissioner of FERC

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