Advanced Energy United Reports

Unlocking America’s Energy: How to Efficiently Connect New Generation to the Grid

Written by Reports | Aug 27, 2024 11:55:00 AM

Publish Date: August 27, 2024

The “Generator Interconnection” process has taken center stage in energy policy debates in recent years, emerging as a key barrier to bringing new, cost-effective resources online to meet growing demand, maintain reliability, and ensure affordable electricity for customers. Last year, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) released Order No. 2023, directing transmission providers to improve their interconnection processes, primarily by instituting a first-ready first-served cluster study process, increased readiness requirements for interconnection projects, and firm deadlines for study completion. Though Order No. 2023 set a critical foundation, more can be done to make the interconnection process as efficient and expedited as possible.

In this report, co-commissioned by Advanced Energy United and the Solar and Storage Industries Institute, Grid Strategies and The Brattle Group put forward recommendations to further improve the interconnection process and deliver cost savings and improved reliability for customers. The recommended reforms fall into four categories: 1) Adopt an interconnection entry fee for proactively planned capacity, 2) Implement a fast-track process to utilize existing and already-planned interconnection capacity, 3) Optimize the interconnection study process, and 4) Speed up the transmission construction backlog.

To read about the specific recommendations underpinning each reform category, please complete the form to download the report.