Advanced Energy United Reports

Forecasting the Economic Impact Potential of Solar in Indiana

Written by Reports | Mar 4, 2025 3:53:26 PM

Publish Date: March 3, 2025

A new report from Baker Tilly shows solar power produced in Indiana would help Hoosiers meet a growing need for electricity. This need is driven by a surge in economic development.

The Baker Tilly report, Forecasting the Economic Impact Potential of Solar in Indiana, looked at all of the solar projects planned and slated to begin operation in Indiana by 2027. The report examines the tax benefit, local economic development gains, and job creation prospects should all planned projects proceed.

IMG_5660Expanding solar development in Indiana would drive millions in additional tax revenue to local communities to help pay for community and emergency services, all while creating new jobs, helping to lower energy costs, and enabling the state to maintain economic development opportunities by meeting growing electricity demand. The report found solar projects could bring in more than $352 million in tax revenue during development and construction, and $63 million annually in federal, state, and local tax revenues once operational. These projects would create more than 16,000 temporary construction jobs and 1,400 permanent Indiana jobs.

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