Advanced Energy United Reports

Better Together: The Benefits of Coordination in the Development of Transmission and Distributed Energy Resources

Written by Reports | Sep 16, 2024 12:30:00 PM

Publish Date: September 16, 2024

Historically, because transmission and distributed energy resources (DERs) exist on opposite ends of the electricity system, the two resources have often been planned, developed, and operated in silos. Conversations on the interplay between transmission and DERs often focus on these resources as substitutes for each other, rather than acknowledging the ways they can work in concert to achieve clean energy goals. However, as the clean energy revolution accelerates, the need for an integrated approach to energy infrastructure has never been more urgent.  

This report explores the need for coordination between large-scale transmission systems and DERs, offering a roadmap to a more resilient, efficient, and sustainable grid. The analysis emphasizes the necessity of investing in transmission infrastructure, particularly at the transmission-distribution interface, to support the growing role of DERs, which are expected to nearly double in capacity by 2027.

Through case studies from Southern California, Hawaii, and Australia, the report highlights the tangible benefits of aligning transmission and DER strategies to ensure that renewable energy can flow seamlessly across regions, enhancing reliability and supporting the clean energy transition. 

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